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Love Calculator-Android Application

This is the screenshot of my new creation Love Calculator app which is created using Android.In this application you have to enter the name of your's and another person's and it will also give you advise. Choose the appropriate option and hit calculate button.Now it give you the percentage.Now the question arises that how it generates percentage,What is the logic behind this.So, this a very easy logic it is based on the names of persons you have entered .It joins both the names and convert each character to coresponding ASCII values.And divide it with hundred.

So.this is the basic logic Go ahead and download the application from below and calculate love with your love ones.

The tools i used are Android Studio and Marshmallow Android device.It still have some bugs the reset button is not working .I will make it work soon.

Download from here:Love Calculator

For any queries and if you found any bug let me know.

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